savingNo matter how much we need to save, no matter how badly we want to break out of the paycheck to paycheck life, saving money is hard. It’s hard because we get an immediate reward for spending money. I give you $5 you give me a Mocha Latte. Saving on the other hand forces us to delay receiving our reward. I give you $5 and in twenty years or so you give me $20 to enjoy in my old age. Sometimes it helps if you can visualize the future. In 20 years I will spend my days walking in the woods and exploring new cities. I see myself spending my time with my grandchildren, going to the zoo, planting my garden. Visualization helps some but it’s still hard to save. You can also make saving easier by planning things you enjoy that are free or cost very little. Maybe you can go visit a museum or a nearby town. Go for a bike ride or a Sunday afternoon drive. Look for local festivals. Maybe only take a few dollars with you on these short trips so you won’t be tempted to spend. You can make saving automatic by having some amount debited from your paycheck or checking account each month or even each week. If you don’t see it, you won’t miss it. All these things can make saving easier, but it will never be easy. Comments are closed.
September 2024