![]() It’s that time again. The time when we make resolutions for the New Year. Resolutions are things we want to change. I resolve to… Resolutions are your goals for the coming year. Write them down on paper – in ink. Committing goals to paper makes them more concrete than goals we merely hold in our head. And don’t stop with just writing them down, stuff that piece of paper in your wallet or purse. Tape it to the visor in your car. Put them somewhere so you will see them on a regular basis. When you see your goals think of one thing you can do that day that will bring you closer to reaching that goal, and do it. Do something, do anything…everyday. ![]() Every year about this time, the popular press comes out with predictions for the new year. We all know that no one has a crystal ball but we read them anyway. Happily, Google never forgets. Here are some of the predictions made for 2016.
So, read the predictions for 2017 with a healthy dose of skepticism, it’s just for fun.
September 2024